Report on the Second International World Wide Web Conference

October 17-20, 1994
Chicago, Illinois

The URL for this page is:

Presented by: Karen Durfee (Network Administrator at CIT/IR)
Date: 11/15/94
For: IDEA (Cornell University's Developers' User Group, formerly known as NUG)

To reach me:

Disclaimers/Thank yous

1. If this presentation seems fragmented, that is because it is. The nature of conferences is to present as much as possible about everything having anything to do with the subject. To report on everything that was presented would be impossible, not to mention, would probably take a couple of days. It is for this reason that I have chosen to report on the topics that I feel are of the greatest general interest to this audience. I must admit, however, my choice of topics are also the ones in which I have an interest.

2. My primary responsibility at Information Resources is that of a network administrator. My users work primarily on Macintosh workstations and my network experience, including WWW server setup, is primarily on Macs. While I will try to report on WWW technology from a platform-independant point of view, keep in mind that my experience and background is primarily Macintosh based.

3. There will be a question and answer period at the end of my presentation. However, if you have any questions along the way, feel free to ask.

4. I would like to thank Michele Reichert for her help in researching and setting up our WWW server. I would also like to thank her for her help in preparing this presentation.

I. What is WWW technology? What is it used for? etc.

"WWW environment is a system for maintaining distributed hypertext. It originated at the European Laboratory for Particle Physics (CERN) in Geneva, Switzerland. It was initially developed in 1989 by Tim Berners-Lee to keep track of researchers' information and to provide and easy method of sharing information among scientists. "The Web has grown into one of the world's most widely used environments for information publishing, discovery, and retrieval." (NCSA Mosaic pamphlet - 9/94)

The development of World-Wide Web (WWW) technology introduced "a major transformation in the way that knowledge is being expressed and communicated around the world." One of the exciting attributes of WWW technology is its lack of dependency on platform and application; WWW technology has the advantage of cross-platform, cross-application document portability. A Web client provides users access to sound, graphics and text.

WWW technology provides a hypertext GUI interface/point-and-click environment to access information. With WWW technology, it is no longer necessary to know the path of where a certain file is stored. It is also no longer necessary to know the name of such a file. This greatly increases ease of use. Web servers are an inexpensive way to make public data and documents easily available to anyone with network access.

The Second International World Wide Web Conference was held in Chicago, from Oct 17-20, 1994.

II. Terms

a hypertext-based system for finding and accessing Internet resources
(HyperText Transfer Protocol) how clients and servers talk to each other
clients for WWW technology
a client (the original client) developed by NCSA
GUI interface/point-and-click environment to link to data
(HyperText Markup Language) language which provides codes used to format hypertext documents
Home Page
the welcome/introduction page of a particular server
the first page loaded when the browser is booted
(Uniform Resource Locator) the address of (or link to) a document on the WWW
Note: Some definitions are my own, others are adapted from The Mosaic Handbook (O'Reilly & Associates, Inc.)

III. 2nd WWW Conference

Conference Home Page


My Impression of the Conference

IV. Highlights and Some Topics Addressed at the WWW2 Conference (+ my own 2 cents )

WWW Electronic Conference Proceedings

Managing Contents on WWW Servers

  1. What to put on the web?
  2. Map out your web space
  3. Style/Branding
  4. Image/Quality
  5. Test the design and concept with outsiders
  6. Define a clear production process and schedule

Do's and Don'ts of Authoring an HTML Page (HTML Etiquette)


Sociological Aspects of WWW

WWW implications are so enormous that many companies are pouring advertising dollars into promotion. Currently, there is high function/low value information on the Internet. We need to increase value.

"More and more organizations are discovering that a Web server can be an invaluable promotional tool . Many senior decision makers may conclude that setting up a WWW server may be much too strategically important to be left under the control of the technologists who have created them."

"Look to the nation's advertising and marketing firms to make their impact on the Internet through their expertise in creating personality through graphical presentations. Newspapers, television and other mass media are the WWW kin, though it may not be that obvious right now."

Currently, there are "virtual cities" which offer "a full-fledged commercial environment for virtual shoppers and merchants." One virtual city includes museums, sports, exhibits, library, and purchasing.


On-line classes

A number of speakers presented information on distance education via WWW. One presenter showed how his Computer Science class was conducted on-line. On-line information included the syllabus, class schedule, class notes, assignments, announcements, office hours, and references to valuable sources, lab experiments, and a bulletin board for frequently asked questions. One professor even had his tests on-line. This raised several questions about issues of academic dishonesty. One concern still pending is whether to allow students access to tests on-line. However, this should not be a problem for those tests that the professor designates "open-book" or "take-home".



WWW technology was not developed with security in mind. It was initially developed for researchers to easily share electronic information. Today, only a few years later, people want to use WWW technology to access all sorts of data, including data that should have limited access.

On the Macintosh platform, MacHTTP is the software used to set up and administer a WWW server. MacHTTP allows limiting access by ip address or domain name.

At the WWW2 Conference, two speakers presented products which will offer security administration on a WWW server. Their product proposals can be accessed via the Web at:

I am very interested in "kerberizing" WWW access. It involves collaboration between client vendors and HTTP vendors. If anyone knows anything about this, or is interested, please let me know.


V. How is WWW currently used at Cornell?

VI. Resources - "educational net surfing"

To contact me: Karen Durfee
campus address: 33 Thornwood Dr. Ithaca
campus phone: 254-6480

Last modified: 1/20/95